आयकर अपीलȣय अͬधकरण,चÖडीगढ़ Ûयायपीठ, चÖडीगढ़ IN THE INCOME TAX APPELLATE TRIBUNAL CHANDIGARH BENCH, ‘B’, CHANDIGARH BEFORE SHRI A.D. JAIN, VICE PRESIDENT & DR KRINWANT SAHAY, ACCOUNTANT MEMBER आयकर अपील सं./ ITA No. 425/CHD/2023 Ǔनधा[रण वष[ / Assessment Year : 2022-23 Parivartan Welfare Association, House No.569, Sector 21, Panchkula 134112 Vs. बनाम The CIT (Exemptions), Chandigarh èथायी लेखा सं./PAN No: AAETP5732G अपीलाथȸ/ APPELLANT Ĥ×यथȸ/ REPSONDENT (VIRTUAL HEARING) Ǔनधा[ǐरती कȧ ओर से/Assessee by : Sh. Parikshit Aggarwal, CA राजèव कȧ ओर से/ Revenue by : Smt. Garima Singh, CIT DR सुनवाई कȧ तारȣख/Date of Hearing : 29.04.2024 उदघोषणा कȧ तारȣख/Date of Pronouncement : 30.04.2024 आदेश/Order Per Dr. Krinwant Sahay, A.M.: The appeal in this case has been filed by the Assessee against the order dated 22.05.2023 of the ld. CIT (Exemptions), Chandigarh, for the Assessment Year 2022-23, against the denial of Registration u/s 12AB, by the Commissioner of Income Tax (Exemptions). 2. The ld. Counsel of the Assessee submitted that subsequently, in view of the CBDT Circular No. 6 of 2023 dated 24.05.2023, the 425-Chd-2023 –Parivartan Welfare Association, Panchkula 2 applicant has been granted Registration vide order dated 13.03.2024, therefore, the Counsel has filed a letter in which the prayer has been made to grant permission to withdraw the appeal in view of the fact that the appellant has been granted Registration u/s 12AB by the ld. CIT (Exemptions). 3. The ld. DR has no objections to the request of the ld. Counsel of the Assessee. 4. Accordingly, the permission is granted for the withdrawal of the appeal. 5. In the result, the appeal is dismissed as withdrawn. Order pronounced on 30.04.2024. Sd/- Sd/- ( A.D. JAIN ) (DR KRINWANT SAHAY) Vice President Accountant Member “आर.के.” आदेश कȧ ĤǓतͧलͪप अĒेͪषत / Copy of the order forwarded to : 1. अपीलाथȸ/ The Appellant 2. Ĥ×यथȸ/ The Respondent 3. आयकर आयुÈत/ CIT 4. ͪवभागीय ĤǓतǓनͬध, आयकर अपीलȣय आͬधकरण, चÖडीगढ़/ DR, ITAT, CHANDIGARH 5. गाड[ फाईल/ Guard File आदेशानुसार/ By order, सहायक पंजीकार/ Assistant Registrar