I.T.A. No.242/HYD/2018
Assessment Year: 2010-11
Mahendra Kumar Agarwal,
Asst.Commissioner of
Income Tax,
(Appellant) (Respondent)
For Assessee : Shri Y.Ratnakar, AR
For Revenue
: Shri Rajendra Kumar, CIT-DR
Date of Hearing : 17-02-2022
Date of Pronouncement : 23-03-2022
This assessee appeal for AY.2010-11 arises from the
CIT(A)-2, Hyderabad’s order dated 01-12-2017 passed in case
No. 0082 / CIT(A)-2 / Hyd / 2016-17, involving proceedings
u/s.143(3) r.w.s.254 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 [in short,
‘the Act’].
Heard both the parties. Case file perused.
2. The assessee raises the following substantive grounds in
the instant appeal:
“1. The order of the learned Commissioner (Appeals) in ITA
No.0082/CIT(A)-2/Hyd/2016-17, dated 1st December, 2017 is
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contrary to law and facts and learned Commissioner (Appeals) erred
in dismissing the said appeal.
2. That the learned Commissioner (Appeals) erred in upholding the
addition of Rs.17,61,86,737 u/s. 68 of the Act. He has not
appreciated the submissions of the appellant and the relevant
documentary evidence produced before him that the loans received
during the year from different persons are genuine. The appellant has
fully discharged the onus cast upon him in explaining the loan
amounts received by him and has adequately proved the identity of
loan creditors, genuineness of transactions and the credit worthiness
of the creditors.
3. The findings / observations of the learned Commissioner (Appeals)
with regard to the addition of Rs.17,61,86,737 under section 68 of
the Act are against the facts and evidence on record.
4. For these and other grounds that will be submitted at the time of
hearing of the appeal, the appellant prays that the addition of Rs.
17,61,86,737 be deleted.
5. The Appellant craves leave to add to, alter or amend all or any of
the above grounds of appeal at or before the hearing”.
3. We next note that the Ld.CIT(A) has affirmed the
Assessing Officer’s action adding Section 68 un-explained cash
credits vide following detailed discussion:
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4. Learned counsel vehemently contended during the
course of hearing that both the lower authorities have erred in
law and on facts in making the impugned un-explained cash
credits addition involving various un-secured loans. He invited
our attention to the assessee’s detailed paper book running
into 216 pages comprising of summarized list of loan sums
borrowed followed by repayments, loan creditors’ balance
sheets explaining source of funds with copies thereof, bank
certificate and confirmation letter(s) involving
Smt.V.Vasanthalakshmi and M/s.Kalawati Builders Pvt. Ltd.,
address proof and confirmation, Assessing Officer’s letter
dt.15-02-2016 as replied on 26-02-2016 and 19-03-2016,
tribunal’s remand order dt.06-02-2015 in first round, written
submissions in respect of 53 creditors as well as various
judicial precedents. Learned counsel sought to buttress the
point that the assessee’s creditor parties have filed their
income tax return acknowledgements, copies of bank
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statements reflecting loan transactions, their explanation
regarding source of funds as well as confirmations before the
lower authorities thereby discharging the three-folded onus of
identity, genuineness and creditworthiness u/s.68 of the Act.
5. The Revenue strongly supported the impugned addition
made in both the lower proceedings in light of the CIT(A)’s
detailed discussion.
6. We have given our thoughtful consideration to the
foregoing rival pleadings and find no merit in the assessee’s
stand. There would be hardly any dispute about the settled
proposition of law i.e., Sumati Dayal Vs. CIT (1995) [214 ITR
801] (SC) and CIT Vs. Durga Prasad More (1972) [82 ITR 540]
(SC) that any explanation or evidence filed during the course of
income tax proceedings ought to be examined in the light of
human probabilities by removing all blinkers. Their lordships
recent decision in PCIT Vs. NRA Iron and Steel Pvt. Ltd. (2019)
412 ITR 161 (SC) also holds that mere filing of documentary
evidence does not itself prove genuineness or creditworthiness
in an issue pertaining to un-explained cash credits.
We keep in mind the foregoing legal parameters and deal
with the clinching facts in the instant case. It is an admitted
factual position that this assessee is assessed and lives in
Hyderabad whereas all the corresponding loan creditors
parties are from Kolkata only. And that too, there is not even a
single loan agreement between the assessee and the said
parties, reflecting the terms of repayment or interest, except
the former self-styled repayment instances along with interest
component at varying rates.
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Mr.Ratnakar replied in response to our query that the
assessee is the promoter/Managing Director of a very reputed
entity and his staff members in Kolkata only had arranged for
the impugned un-secured loans. This clinching explanation
hardly comes to the assessee’s rescue since going against all
human probabilities that a person, un-known in Kolkata
would be able to receive such huge sums of unsecured loans
without any surety. This is in addition to the fact that he has
not produced a single employee having arranged all these
loans. We therefore conclude in light of the foregoing settle law
as well as the relevant facts and circumstances herein that the
assessee has failed to prove genuineness and creditworthiness
of the impugned un-secured loan sums. We thus find no
reason to interfere with the learned lower authorities’ action
making the impugned addition. The same stands confirmed.
7. This assessee’s appeal is dismissed in above terms.
Order pronounced in the open court on 23
March, 2022
Sd/- Sd/-
Dated: 23-03-2022
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Copy to :
1.Mahendra Kumar Agarwal, Plot No.20, Survey No.12,
Kothaguda, Kondapur, Hyderabad.
2.Asst.Commissioner of Income Tax, Circle-2(2),
3.CIT(Appeals)-2, Hyderabad.
4.Pr.CIT-2, Hyderabad.
5.D.R. ITAT, Hyderabad.
6.Guard File.